Thursday, June 16, 2016

How to load multiple files(of same structure) to single target table using single interface/Mapping in ODI?

How to load multiple files (of same structure) to single target table using single interface/Mapping in ODI?

File Structure of all the files to be same.
Naming conversion of the file should be decide earlier.

In this example, I am considering sample1,sample2 and sample3 as naming conversion of the file and File Structure as follows for all the files.

ID,PROJECT_NAME (.csv delimited with ',')


Step 1:
Topology Configuration
Create Physical Architecture for Target 
  • Expand Technologies -- Right click Oracle Technology -- Click on New Dataserver
  • Provide DB details and save it
  • Right click the Dataserver and select Select New Physical Schema and provide Schema details
Create Physical Architecture for Source
  • Expand Technologies -- Right click File Technology -- Click on New Dataserver
  • Provide File server details and save it
  • Right click the Dataserver and select Select New Physical Schema and provide Folder location
Step 2:
Create Logical Architecture for Target
  • Expand Technologies -- Right click Oracle Technology -- select New Logical Schema
  • Provide Logical Schema Name (whatever you want)
Create Logical Architecture for Source
  • Expand Technologies -- Right click FileTechnology -- select New Logical Schema
  • Provide Logical Schema Name (whatever you want)
Step 3:
Create Context
  • Click on New Context
  • Provide Context Name (whatever you want)
  • Go to Schemas tab and Select Physical Schema for appropriate Logical Schema(
Step 4:
Create Target Model 
  • Click New Model
  • Provide Name , Select Technology as Oracle and Select Logical Schema which you created earlier.
  • Go to Reverse Engineering Tab -- Select Context which we created earlier and provide table name for "Mask" input text box
  • Go to selective Reverse Engineering tab and select appropriate table and click on Reverse Engineering
  • Your datastore is created successfully
Create Source Model
  • Click New Model
  • Provide Name , Select Technology as File and Select Logical Schema which you created earlier.
  • Right on your Model and select New Datastore
  • Provide name and select the sample1.csv file
  • Go to Files tab -- File Format -- Delimited and Header -- 1
  • Under Field Separator -- Others -- provide ','
  • Go to Attributes and click on reverse Engineering
  • Go to Definition -- Resource Name : Sample#<PROJECT_NAME>.<VARIABLE_NAME>.csv and save it
Step 5:
Create Project
  • Create new mapping
  • Drag and drop both source and target datastores. Link the source output connector to target input connector. Do mappings as per your requirement
  • Go to Physical -- Select staging area and select KM as LKM File to SQL and Select Target datatstore and select KM as IKM SQL control Append
Step 6:
Create Package
  • Create Variable in your project
  • Create Package and drag and drop your variable and mapping which you created earlier
  • Connect 'OK' from variable to Mapping
  • Generate Scenario to that package
Step 7:
Create Procedure
  • Create Proceudre, In target side select technology as ODI tools and for Source side select Oracle as technology and select logical schema as well.
  • Source Side : SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR('1,2,3','[^,]+',1,LEVEL) FN FROM DUALCONNECT BY LEVEL <= LENGTH(REGEXP_REPLACE('1,2,3','[^,]+'))+1
  • Select appropriate logical Schema for Source Technology and save it
Completed Succesfully!!!

Input Files:





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