[Note: If you want answer for question which is not here (ODI only) please comment below. So that we will update the Interview questions]
General Questions:
General Questions:
1. What is difference between ODI 11g and ODI 12c?
ODI 11g
ODI 12c
No Component Palette
Component Palette Added
No Debugger
Interface for loading source to target
Sub Tabs:
· Overview
· Quick Edit
· Flow
· Control
Mapping for Loading Source to Target
Sub Tabs:
· Overview
· Logical
· Physical
In interface we will have only one target datastore
Mappings we can have more than one data store (i.e., we can load more than one data store at a time)
OWB jobs can’t execute
OWB jobs can be executed in ODI 12c
To perform Incremental and Initial Load we need to create two different interfaces
To Perform Incremental and initial Load we can accomplish with single mapping (Using Deployment Specification)
No Wallet Password
Wallet Password is available
Temporary Interface
Reusable Mappings
2.Different types of Repositories?
Ans: They are two types of Repositories
1. Master Repository and
2. Work Repository
Master Repository:
It holds information related to Topology and Security
Work Repository:
It stores information related to Designer and Operator
1. Master Repository and
2. Work Repository
Master Repository:
It holds information related to Topology and Security
Work Repository:
It stores information related to Designer and Operator
3.Different types of Work Repositories?
Ans: They are two types of Work Repositories
- Execution Work Repository
- Development Work Repository
4.What is the hierarchy of Master and Work Repositories?
Ans: We can have one Master and 'n' Work repositories. But each Work repository should be attach to only one Master Repository
5.What is the difference between ETL and ELT?
Ans: In ETL we should have Middle Tier Server Engine where as in ELT shouldn't require Middle-Tier Server Engine. So it reduce cost. Network traffic is more for ETL where as for ELT less network traffic compare to ETL
6.What is meant by OLAP and OLTP?
Ans: OLAP - OnLine Analytic Process - Maintain Historical Data
OLTP - OnLine Transaction Process - Daily Data (Business Data)
OLTP - OnLine Transaction Process - Daily Data (Business Data)
7.How many types of Navigators and their usage?
Ans: Four Types of Navigators are available.
- Designer - Development
- Operator - Monitoring
- Topology - Configuration
- Security - Provide Security
8.What is significant difference between Physical Schema and Logical Schema?
Ans: Physical Schema = Logical Schema + Context
For Example: Consider an Organization A whose Branches are A1,A2 and A3.
Consider the Structure of A1,A2 and A3 Schema's are same but located in different Servers. By the EOD all the data stored in A1,A2 and A3 to be stored in A.
For above scenario, developer develops one mapping with one logical Schema , 3 Physical Schema (A1,A2 and A3)and 3 Context (A1_CTX,A2_CTX and A3_CTX) . While executing the mapping if he selects A1_CTX it loads to A1. (i.e., Logical_schema+A1_CTX = A1... ) . That means we can reuse same code to pick data from different schema's.
For Example: Consider an Organization A whose Branches are A1,A2 and A3.
Consider the Structure of A1,A2 and A3 Schema's are same but located in different Servers. By the EOD all the data stored in A1,A2 and A3 to be stored in A.
For above scenario, developer develops one mapping with one logical Schema , 3 Physical Schema (A1,A2 and A3)and 3 Context (A1_CTX,A2_CTX and A3_CTX) . While executing the mapping if he selects A1_CTX it loads to A1. (i.e., Logical_schema+A1_CTX = A1... ) . That means we can reuse same code to pick data from different schema's.
9.What is an Agent and different types of Agents?
Ans: ODI agent is run time component which orchestrates the data integration process.
They are three types of Agents:
They are three types of Agents:
- Standalone Agent - Light Weight
- J2EE Agent - High Availability , Scalability, Security and better manageability
- Colocated Standalone Agent - Combination both standalone and J2EE agent
10.What is Context and it's purpose?
Ans: Contexts bring together components of the physical architecture (the real Architecture) of the information system with components of the Oracle Data Integrator logical architecture (the Architecture on which the user works).
For example, contexts may correspond to different execution environments (Development, Test and Production) or different execution locations (Boston Site, New-York Site, and so forth.) where similar physical resource exist.
For example, contexts may correspond to different execution environments (Development, Test and Production) or different execution locations (Boston Site, New-York Site, and so forth.) where similar physical resource exist.
11.What is an interface/Mapping?
Ans:Mappings are the logical and physical organization of your data sources, targets, and the transformations through which the data flows from source to target. We can create and manage mappings using the mapping editor, a new feature of ODI 12c.
12.What is a variable and different types of variables?
Ans:A variable is an object that stores a single value. This value can be a string, a number or a date. The variable value is stored in Oracle Data Integrator. It can be used in several places in your projects, and its value can be updated at run-time
- Refresh Variable
- Set Variable
- Declare Variable
- Incremental Variable
- Evaluation Variable
13.What is knowledge module and different types of KM's?
Ans:Knowledge Modules (KMs) are code templates. Each KM is dedicated to an individual task in the overall data integration process
Types of KM's:
Types of KM's:
- LKM - Loads heterogeneous data to staging area
- IKM - Integrate Data from staging area to target area
- RKM - Retrieves metadata to Oracle Data Integrator work repository
- SKM - Generates Data Manipulates web services
- CKM - Checks the constraints
- JKM - Used for CDC (Change Data Capture)
14.Different types of Reverse Engineering?
Ans: Two types of Reverse Engineering:
- Standard Reverse Engineering
- Customized Reverse Engineering
15.What is scenario?
Ans: The scenario code (the language generated) is frozen, and all subsequent modifications of the components which contributed to creating it will not change it in any way
16. What is difference between scenario and package?
Ans: Scenario is froze code we can't do any modifications
17. What is Load Plan and different types of Load Plans?
A Load Plan is an executable object in Oracle Data Integrator that can contain a hierarchy of steps that can be executed conditionally, in parallel or in series
Types of Load Plans
- Parallel
- Serial
- Conditional
18.What is difference between Package and Load Plan?
Load Plans
A Load Plan is an executable object in Oracle Data Integrator that
can contain a hierarchy of steps that can be executed conditionally, in
parallel or in series
There is no native support
Load plans are moved to production as it is
Packages need to convert into scenario and then promote to production
We can create load plans in Execution Work repository also (like PROD Environment)
We can’t create packages in Execution Work Repository (like production environment)
When we execute/restart Load Plans it will create new instances
When we execute package it will create new session and for restart it
will override the execute session
19. How to perform exception Handling in ODI?
Ans: Click Here
20. How to perform parallel execution and serial execution in packages?
21.Can we reverse engineer Flat Files?
Ans: Yes, we can reverse engineer the flat files.
22.What are the advantages of standalone and J2EE agent?
Ans: J2EE Agent is high available.
23. What is difference between Static and Flow control?
24. What is the difference between lookup and Join?
Ans: Click Here
25. How to load data from XML file to Relational database table?
Ans: Click Here
26. Different types of Variables available in ODI?
Ans: Click Here
27. What is sequence and different types of Sequence available in ODI?
Ans: A sequence is a variable automatically incremented when used. Between two uses the value is persistent.
■Standard sequences - whose current values are stored in the Repository.
■ Specific sequences- whose current values are stored in an RDBMS table cell. Odi reads the value, locks the row and updates the row after the last increment.
■ Native sequence - that maps a RDBMS-managed sequence.
28. What is User Functions?
Ans: User functions allow you to define customized functions for
which you will define technology-dependent implementations. They are usable in
mappings and procedures.
29.What is Marker?
Ans: A component of a project may be flagged in order to reflect a methodology or
organization. Flags are defined using markers. These markers are organized into
groups, and can be applied to most objects in a project
30.What is Scenario?
Ans: When a package, mapping, procedure, or variable component has been fully
developed, it is compiled in a scenario. A scenario is the execution unit for production.
Scenarios can be scheduled for automated execution
31.What is meant by load balancing and how to do setup for it?
Ans: Load Balancing:
Oracle Data Integrator allows you to load balance parallel session execution between
physical agents.
An agent's load is determined at a given time by the ratio (Number of running
sessions / Maximum number of sessions) for this agent.
To setup load balancing:
1. Define a set of physical agents, and link them in a hierarchy of agents
2. Start all the physical agents corresponding to the agents defined in the topology.
3. Run the executions on the root agent of your hierarchy. Oracle Data Integrator will
balance the load of the executions between its linked agents.
32. What is an agent and types of agents available in ODI?
Ans: At design time, developers generate scenarios from the business rules that they have designed. The code of these scenarios is then retrieved from the repository by the Run-Time Agent.
This agent then connects to the data servers and orchestrates the code execution on these servers. It retrieves the return codes and messages for the
execution, as well as additional logging information – such as the number of processed records, execution time etc. - in the Repository.
The Agent comes in two different flavors:
■The Java EE Agent can be deployed as a web application and benefit from the features of an application server.
■ The Standalone Agent runs in a simple Java Machine and can be deployed where needed to perform the integration flows.
■Colocated Standalone Agents can be installed on the source or target systems . They can be managed using Oracle Enterprise Manager and must be configured with
an Oracle WebLogic domain. Colocated Standalone Agents can run on a separate machine from the Oracle WebLogic Administration Server
Serial No
Static Control
Flow Control
Data validation is done after loaded to target table
Data validation is done before loaded to target table
Data validation is done on Target Table
Data Validation is done on I$ table
If there is any constraints on Target Data server then we need to
disable the constraint before load to avoid failure
No need to disable any constraint
It won’t delete record from I$ table
It will delete record from I$ table
24. What is the difference between lookup and Join?
Ans: Click Here
25. How to load data from XML file to Relational database table?
Ans: Click Here
26. Different types of Variables available in ODI?
Ans: Click Here
27. What is sequence and different types of Sequence available in ODI?
Ans: A sequence is a variable automatically incremented when used. Between two uses the value is persistent.
■Standard sequences - whose current values are stored in the Repository.
■ Specific sequences- whose current values are stored in an RDBMS table cell. Odi reads the value, locks the row and updates the row after the last increment.
■ Native sequence - that maps a RDBMS-managed sequence.
28. What is User Functions?
Ans: User functions allow you to define customized functions for
which you will define technology-dependent implementations. They are usable in
mappings and procedures.
29.What is Marker?
Ans: A component of a project may be flagged in order to reflect a methodology or
organization. Flags are defined using markers. These markers are organized into
groups, and can be applied to most objects in a project
30.What is Scenario?
Ans: When a package, mapping, procedure, or variable component has been fully
developed, it is compiled in a scenario. A scenario is the execution unit for production.
Scenarios can be scheduled for automated execution
31.What is meant by load balancing and how to do setup for it?
Ans: Load Balancing:
Oracle Data Integrator allows you to load balance parallel session execution between
physical agents.
An agent's load is determined at a given time by the ratio (Number of running
sessions / Maximum number of sessions) for this agent.
To setup load balancing:
1. Define a set of physical agents, and link them in a hierarchy of agents
2. Start all the physical agents corresponding to the agents defined in the topology.
3. Run the executions on the root agent of your hierarchy. Oracle Data Integrator will
balance the load of the executions between its linked agents.
32. What is an agent and types of agents available in ODI?
Ans: At design time, developers generate scenarios from the business rules that they have designed. The code of these scenarios is then retrieved from the repository by the Run-Time Agent.
This agent then connects to the data servers and orchestrates the code execution on these servers. It retrieves the return codes and messages for the
execution, as well as additional logging information – such as the number of processed records, execution time etc. - in the Repository.
The Agent comes in two different flavors:
■The Java EE Agent can be deployed as a web application and benefit from the features of an application server.
■ The Standalone Agent runs in a simple Java Machine and can be deployed where needed to perform the integration flows.
■Colocated Standalone Agents can be installed on the source or target systems . They can be managed using Oracle Enterprise Manager and must be configured with
an Oracle WebLogic domain. Colocated Standalone Agents can run on a separate machine from the Oracle WebLogic Administration Server
1. How promote code from one environment another environment?
Ans: We can promote the code in 2 ways
a.Import and export scenarios
b. Smart Import and Smart Export Objects
a.Import and export scenarios
b. Smart Import and Smart Export Objects
2. What are different ways to promoting code ?
a. Import and export scenarios
b. Smart Import and Smart Export Objects
a. Import and export scenarios
b. Smart Import and Smart Export Objects
3. What is difference between Smart import/Export and import/Export Scenario?
Ans: Import and Export we usually import or export that particular object or scenario but not the depend objects. Import and Export Scenarios is recommended for higher environment because we are no longer do development in higher environment (like UAT , PROD)
Smart Import and Smart Export is used to move code along with dependency object. This time of migration is recommended for lower environments like (DEV,QA) where we need to do development.
Smart Import and Smart Export is used to move code along with dependency object. This time of migration is recommended for lower environments like (DEV,QA) where we need to do development.
Real Time Scenario:
1. How to move duplicate records into another table using ODI?
Ans: Clikc Here
2.What is SQL query to remove duplicate records from table?
Ans: Click Here
3. In sales table I have year,Q1,Q2,Q3 and Q4 columns, now we need to convert those into Year,Quarter,Sales as below? What is approach you will follow?
For Example
6.How to load multiple files to single target table using single interface/Mapping in ODI?
Ans: Click Here
7.How to populate one value based on context selection (FLEXIFIELDS)?
Ans: Click Here
Ans. Click Here
CASE can work with logical operators other than ‘=’
DECODE performs an equality check only
CASE can work with predicates and searchable subqueries
DECODE works with expressions that are scalar values only
CASE can be an efficient substitute for IF-THEN-ELSE in PL/SQL
DECODE can work as a function inside SQL only
Case handles NULL’s differently
select case null
when null
then 'NULL'
else 'NOT NULL'
end null_test
from dual;
Decode handles without ‘is’ operator
select decode(null
, null, 'NULL'
) null_test
from dual;
CASE expects datatype consistency
DECODE does not
CASE complies with ANSI SQL.
DECODE is proprietary to Oracle.
Functions must always return a value.
Stored procedures do not have this requirement.
Functions cannot alter data or objects in a server.
Stored procedures can alter data and objects in database and
You can embed functions within a SELECT statement.
Stored procedures cannot be embedded within a SELECT statement.
Both functions and stored procedures can accept parameters.
Functions can accept input parameters but can return only a single return
Stored procedures can also accept OUTPUT parameters.
TEMP tables can’t be used in functions.
Both TEMP tables and Table variables can be used in stored
How to delete the duplicate records and retaining one record among all?
Analytical Functions:
The LAG function is used to access data from a previous row.
The LEAD function is used to return data from the next row.
LAG (value_expression [,offset] [,default]) OVER ([query_partition_clause] order_by_clause)
LEAD (value_expression [,offset] [,default]) OVER ([query_partition_clause] order_by_clause)
value_expression - Can be a column or a built-in function, except for other analytic functions.
offset - The number of rows preceeding/following the current row, from which the data is to be retrieved. The default value is 1.
default - The value returned if the offset is outside the scope of the window. The default value is NULL.
The LISTAGG analytic function making it very easy to aggregate strings. it allows us to order the elements in the concatenated list. this function is used for string aggregation.
RANK function is a built in analytic function which is used to rank a record within a group of rows. Its return type is number and serves for both aggregate and analytic purpose in SQL.
RANK (expression) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER_BY expression [ASC | DESC] NULLS
RANK () OVER (PARTITION BY expression ORDER_BY expression)
assigns unique numbers to each row within the PARTITION given the ORDER BY clause
RANK() - behaves like ROW_NUMBER(), except that “equal” rows are ranked the same.
Primary Key Vs Unique Key
Primary Key:
There can only be one primary key in a table
In some DBMS it cannot be NULL - e.g. MySQL adds NOT NULL
Primary Key is a unique key identifier of the record
Unique Key:
Can be more than one unique key in one table
Unique key can have NULL values
It can be a candidate key
Unique key can be NULL and may not be unique
Surrogate and Natural Key
A surrogate key is an artificial or synthetic key that is used as a substitute for a natural key.
A natural key is a key from within the data.
A surrogate key is a key that we introduce in the data so as to be able to
identify particular piece of information easily.
Usually, it is the unique identifier for each record.
How to identify whether string is only alpha numeric?
SELECT * FROM DUAL where regexp_like('abc123','^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$')
SELECT * FROM DUAL where regexp_like('abc123@','^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$')
abc123 is alphanumeric
abc123@ not alphanumeric
Data Engineer :
Written Test Questions (Product based Company)
Click Here
b. Snapshot Fact
c. Accumulate Fact
d. Factless Fact
5.Different Types of Dimensions?
a. Confirmed Dimension
b. Junk Dimension
c. Degenerated Dimension
d. Role Play Dimension
e. Slowly Change Dimension
f. Static Dimension
g. Inferred Dimension
6.What is meant by CDC?
Ans: CDC - Change Data Capture i.e., whenever there is any change happens to source system we need to capture only those changes and process to Target system.
7. Different types of CDC?
a. Simple Journalization
b. Consistent Set Journalization
8.What is meant by SCD?
Ans: SCD - Slowly Change Dimension
Type 1 : Overwrite all the changes from Source to Target
Type 2 : Capture all the changes from Source to Target as new record altogether
Type 3 : Capture a few changes from source to Target as new attribute (Limited history)
In ODI you can create user-defined fields on certain objects. You can think of these fields as additional attributes for certain objects.
At design time you populate these attributes with values that are then used at runtime, e.g. by a Knowledge Module.
There are various Flexfields defined out of the box for very specific requirements, e.g. there are Flexfields defined on the Datastore object for SAP and HIVE data integration tasks
Good work...
ReplyDeleteNice work
ReplyDeleteThanks... Please share your questions which are not available here so that I will post answers for those questions as well
ReplyDeleteSir, I have 3.8 years of experience. Most of the interviews are asking append, control append and incremental update and ikm incremental update mrge.
Delete2. What is OWB and where can we set up it.
Can you please share your comments please.
Thanks in Advance..
thanks, nice work, very useful info
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteNice tutorial. The ODI tutorial was help ful for me. Keep Sharing Tutorials.
very useful information
ReplyDeleteThanks, Great Work
ReplyDeleteSuperb work
ReplyDeleteMy source is DB2 and target is oracle. The mappings are already done and the data are already imported. Now some new data are inserted in source tables. How to import them ??? If I will execute the same mappings again , What will happen ???? Plz Suggest
ReplyDeleteI for got to give contact details. Plz Email me or.sakti@gmail.com
DeleteAs per my understanding I think your looking for incremental load.If yes then try to implement CDC otherwise even you can implement truncate load to target table.
DeleteGood work sir...if intervier ask me what are the challenges you have faced and tell me one complex mapping you have created. Could you please suggest me how to answer those two questions.
ReplyDelete1.Delimited files (delimiter as ",") then if data itself having , operator then handling those records is challenging. For example: One of the column in your delimited file is Name: and value your getting in the file is "Trinesh,Koduru" handling these types of records is challenging.
Delete2.Loading data from log file into Database. Why it is challenging means the data in the log file is not straight forward.
3.Implementing SCD type 3
Thanks a lot for your reply n help trinesh..
DeleteHi Trinesh,
ReplyDeleteDelimited files (delimiter as ",") then if data itself having , operator then handling those records is challenging. For example: One of the column in your delimited file is Name: and value your getting in the file is "Trinesh,Koduru" handling these types of records is challenging.
--- These kind of data goes to rejected file and rejected file as a mail notification,then need to modify and reload it. Or in interface how to do it sir??
Adv Thanks for your help
use text delimiter "" along with file delimiter ,
DeleteVery useful.. Nice work. Thank you so much
ReplyDeletehi trinesh, could you please suggest me from where can i learn odi 12c step by step which covers all the topics?
ReplyDeleteThanks for the article. This is very useful and helpful information.
ReplyDeleteNicely documented. You are very talented
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ReplyDeleteHi Trinesh,
ReplyDeleteI faced the below questions in the ODI Interview,Please help me with the answer.
1. we have a set of 7 million files coming in to repository every week, when i tried to load it to target tables 5 million records did not get inserted into target
How can I handle this? and how to insert only those 5 million records again?
2. How can I filter the records entering into the source table?
Hi Pooja,
DeleteI didn't got your question clearly.
1. Your getting 7 Million records in a file which your processing it but only two million records are loaded but rest of 5 millions records didn't loaded. Now you want to process those 5 million records?
What mean 5 million records didn't loaded is it fail to load or filtered by some process?
2. I didn't get this question?
Can you please elaborate it?
Thanks for information
ReplyDeleteHi ,
ReplyDeleteI have 100 records in source and i am trying to select those 100 and inserting them to table y...there are 2 error records out of 100 how can we excute the query without throwing an error and resulting in 98 records inserted.
Using concept of DML Error logging mechanism we can achieve it
ReplyDeleteCan you please share odi 12c installation steps for windows 11.
Very good article . Thanks for sharing.
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Can you please update and add more scenario based questions?
ReplyDelete@Trinesh Koduru- can u pls add more scenario based questions
ReplyDeletein one interview they asked like why we are adding DTD, schema, root element in complex file jdbc