Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Customization of Knowledge Module

Customization of Knowledge Module
Client want to know which all records are inserting and which all records are loaded into target table. For this reason, we customized knowledge module and adding audit table to it

1.      Import IKM Oracle Incremental Update knowledge module
2.      Add two steps
a.      Drop audit table

drop table <%=odiRef.getTable( "L" , "TARG_NAME" , "W" )%>||'_AUDIT'

b.      Create audit table and populate Unique Key along with Flag indicator

CREATE TABLE <%=odiRef.getTable( "L" , "TARG_NAME" , "W" )%>|| '_AUDIT'
SELECT <%=odiRef.getColList( "" , "[COL_NAME] , ",nt" , "" , "UK" )%> , IND_UPDATE
FROM <%=odiRef.getTable( "L" , "INT_NAME" , "W" )%>

3.      Create option to enable and disabling the Audit table information


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